Inteligencia y expectativas

The problem is (…) in the application of intelligence analysis in fields where its specific virtues are not adequate, not actually needed, or even might become counter-productive. Intelligence analysis can, employed in the right context, considerably enhance overall...

Los papeles de don Emilio

Cummings once startled his attractive young secretary by telling her he proposed to publish his memoirs after he retired: ‘I shall call them “The Indiscretions of a Secret Service Chief”. It will be a splendid-looking publication bound in red with the title and my...

La inteligencia del mañana

“Te dije que todo es relativo, todo es temporal y todo es mudable” Matilde Asensi El regreso del catón, 2015   José Miguel Palacios, 1 de junio de 2021 Don Norberto Cuesta Dutari fue un mítico catedrático de Análisis Matemático de la Universidad de Salamanca[1]....