Si deseamos pensar bien, hemos de procurar conocer la verdad, es decir la realidad de las cosas. ¿De qué sirve discurrir con sutileza, ó con profundidad aparente, si el pensamiento no está conforme con la realidad? Jaime Balmes, El Criterio (1845) Hace...
La iniciativa signada reclama «l’adopció urgent per part de l’estat de les mesures per erradicar l’espionatge polític antidemocràtic, i garantir així que cap persona pugui ser víctima d’espionatge i persecució per defensar un projecte polític»[i]. ...
Strategic intelligence analysis frequently does not influence the creation and implementation of American foreign policy. This is contrary to an expectation that intelligence analysis should matter in the making of foreign policy and national security. Better...
Let me tell you about these intelligence guys. When I was growing up in Texas we had a cow named Bessie. I’d go out early and milk her. I’d get her in the stanchion, seat myself and squeeze out a pail of fresh milk. One day I’d worked hard and gotten a full pail of...
Building a significant body of research on intelligence outside of the Anglosphere has the potential to create new ‘black holes’ driving the evolution of the wider universe of Intelligence Studies away from cultural biases. This diversification will require skilled...